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Chapter 3 - VPNs

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are an important tool in protecting your digital privacy. VPNs can be thought of as the digital equivalent of a mail forwarding service. A mail forwarding service provides you a mailing address and receives your mail and packages, then forwards them to you - this prevents someone who sends you a package from knowing where you live.

A VPN establishes an encrypted tunnel between your phone and the VPN provider, preventing websites from knowing exactly where you are located. Additionally, since all your communications are encrypted, your provider (Verizon, T-Mobile, ATT, etc) cannot see what websites you are communicating with. 

There are many choices for VPN providers, but an excellent one is Proton VPN. Proton VPN has a free version that provides very good security, and Proton VPN is hosted in Switzerland, which has strong privacy laws. 

FOR IPHONE - After downloading Proton VPN, launch it and create an account. If you want the free version, select "Not Now" to the upgrade prompt. Select "Next" and "Connect Now". Select "Allow and add VPN configuration". Select "Continue" and press "quick connect" - you are now connected via VPN. The VPN will automatically reconnect if the phone is rebooted. 

FOR ANDROID - After downloading Proton VPN, launch it and create an account.  Click "Get started". Go through the pop ups. Click circle with an arrow in it in bottom right corner (Quick Connect). Select "Ok" to the connection request. Click on the three lines upper left corner and select "Settings". Select "Always on VPN and Kill Switch". Select "Open Android settings". Click on the gear next to Proton VPN. Select "Always on VPN" and Block Connections Without VPN". The VPN is now installed and configured, and the VPN will automatically reconnect if the phone is rebooted. 

Chapter 3 - VPNs: Chapter 3 - VPNs
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