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Chapter 5 - Social Media

Social media is funded almost exclusively by selling  targeted advertising - the entire social media business model is based upon knowing the interests and activities of its users. All social media companies - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc - have their very existence dependent on knowing as much about their users as possible. Social media companies collect user data, including web searches, web sites visited, location data (where you visit), who you interact with, what your interests are, and much more.

From a practical standpoint, once something is put on social media, it can never be removed (deleted posts remain on the company's servers). Do not discuss anything that has to do with being pregnant or seeking an abortion on social media. Do not discuss someone else being pregnant in case they choose to have an abortion. If you travel to receive abortion care, do not use any social media apps while traveling - they may show that you were at or near the abortion clinic.

Chapter 5 - Social Media: Chapter 5 - Social Media
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